Friday, October 9, 2015

Writing Workshop

Character Traits 
Paragraph Writing

Beginning of Unit Goal: Students Will Discuss Character Ideas, Character Traits, and Write Character Idea Paragraphs with Angled Support From a Text.

We will discuss character trait words or ideas about characters that fit characters from read alouds, both short texts and novels.  As we discuss the character trait words, we will develop a list of behaviors for the specific character trait words that were identified.  Additionally, we will help students label characters from read alouds with the appropriate character trait word and guide students in noticing how characters change over time, the positive / negative change of the trait word. Explain that a character trait is a word we use to describe a pattern in a character's personality (the type of person someone is).  For example, a person is not a generous person just because they give you a pencil one time.  To label someone a generous person, they need to show they are generous repeatedly (across the text).  Remind kids that we figure out what type of person someone is by paying attention to what they say, do, and think.

As kids practice writing angled character paragraphs to prove their character idea, we will remind them that writers…

  • Choose a spot that pays off to prove their character idea. 
  • Every detail included needs to connect back to the character idea.
  • When writing, pick spots that really prove your character idea.  Always question: If someone who never read the book before was reading this, would they understand how the part you are retelling connects to your character idea?

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